Affordable Psychological Testing, Monthly, Fridays 9 AM – 5 PM

Clinic Overview: Once a month, the Behavioral Associates Child and Adolescent Center offers psychological testing for a reduced price. Testing hours run from 9:00 – 5:00 PM. The clinic serves approximately 3-4 patients per month and operates on a first come first serve basis, based on appointment. The testing is completed by our postdoctoral trainees and supervised by Dr. Heather Davidson.
Top Reasons for Psychological Testing:
To obtain an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) at school.
To diagnosis or differentiate between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a learning disability.
To assess behavioral and/or emotional disturbances.
To provide a psychiatrist with a structured report in order to improve the success rate of the initial medication prescribed.
What is a psychological assessment? A psychological assessment “battery” consists of several tests designed to evaluate a multitude of aspects of an individual’s functioning. Typically, a battery includes an intelligence (or cognitive) test, an achievement test, and a projective or personality test. Usually, dependent on the referral question, a neuropsychological, an executive functioning, a social functioning, and/or a behavioral assessment is also utilized. At Behavioral Associates we always include a qEEG (brain mapping through EEG analysis) in every testing battery to best conceptualize the problem.
What tests are included? An IQ test, an achievement test, a continuous performance test, and a qEEG are the baseline assessments offered during the monthly community clinic assessments. Other neuropsychological and/or social-emotional assessments may also be utilized dependent on the specific referral question.
What is the price? Please contact Dr. Heather Davidson with a brief summary of the tests you are requesting, as well as any insurance you may have.
How do I sign up? Appointments are made on a first come, first serve basis. You may contact us at the email below or call (212) 860 – 8500.
Dr. Heather Davidson
Director of Child and Adolescent Center